Van Rensselaer's Restaurant



Van Rensselaer's has been family owned and operated for over 50 years. In 1968,

Howard and Anne Hall opened Southfleet Restaurant serving a variety of Cape Cod fare. Many a customer

today recalls those summer nights when a Wellfleet entertainer by the name of Arnie would fill the place with

song. 1980 marked the beginning of Van Rensselaer's, a name chosen from Peter Hall's Dutch ancestry


Cape Cod is one of the most beautiful locations in the country. Close to Boston and

surrounded by water, this summer destination is packed with tourists and other J-1 Summer Work & Travel

participants. Your employer has locations all over Cape Cod. Students will often go to the beach, visit local

museums, go whale watching or take in a baseball game. South Wellfleet is a small, waterfront vacation

community. Near your housing, you will find nature and bike trails and the ocean. There are also restaurants,

a grocery store, and a movie theater which may be easily reached by bicycle. There is minimal night life in the


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